Appendix A: Governance Committee Sample Meeting Agenda
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Open Data Governance Council Meeting
[DATE] [TIME] (90 minutes)
Welcome (Chair/Co-Chairs)-10 minutes
What is open data
Purpose of the council
Structure of the council (leadership, staffing, meeting frequency, membership: state agency secretaries or designees; legislators; elected officials or employees from local entities who have knowledge of and interest in open data; members of the private, private utility, academic, or nonprofit sectors who have knowledge of and interest in open data)
Duties of the council, including deliverables such as a plan for providing open data to the public at no cost; regular reports to the public; etc.
Introductions-5 minutes
Thank you and remarks from Mayor-5 minutes
Review of existing Open Data policy-10 minutes
Discuss authorizing legislation or Executive Order, and the charge of the Mayor
Compliance requirements review (ethics, financial disclosure)-10 minutes
Background and demonstration of current open data portal (if the city does not have an open data portal, review portals of other cities)-10 minutes
Open discussion of open data portal-10 minutes
Open Discussion: Business of the Council-30 minutes
Choosing technology (if applicable)
Inventory existing datasets
Identifying criteria for datasets to be released by agencies (FOIA requests, 311, agency priorities, city priorities, trends, strategic releases, map to performance management priorities, etc.)
Review and consolidate previous open data policies
Linking Open Data with performance management
Please note the following dates and times for future meetings
[Date, time, location] [Date, time, location] [Date, time, location]
Last updated