Appendix A: Governance Committee Sample Meeting Agenda

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Open Data Governance Council Meeting

[DATE] [TIME] (90 minutes)


Welcome (Chair/Co-Chairs)-10 minutes

  • What is open data

  • Purpose of the council

  • Structure of the council (leadership, staffing, meeting frequency, membership: state agency secretaries or designees; legislators; elected officials or employees from local entities who have knowledge of and interest in open data; members of the private, private utility, academic, or nonprofit sectors who have knowledge of and interest in open data)

  • Duties of the council, including deliverables such as a plan for providing open data to the public at no cost; regular reports to the public; etc.

    1. Introductions-5 minutes

    2. Thank you and remarks from Mayor-5 minutes

    3. Review of existing Open Data policy-10 minutes

    4. Discuss authorizing legislation or Executive Order, and the charge of the Mayor

    5. Compliance requirements review (ethics, financial disclosure)-10 minutes

    6. Background and demonstration of current open data portal (if the city does not have an open data portal, review portals of other cities)-10 minutes

    7. Open discussion of open data portal-10 minutes

    8. Open Discussion: Business of the Council-30 minutes

  • Choosing technology (if applicable)

  • Inventory existing datasets

  • Identifying criteria for datasets to be released by agencies (FOIA requests, 311, agency priorities, city priorities, trends, strategic releases, map to performance management priorities, etc.)

  • Review and consolidate previous open data policies

  • Linking Open Data with performance management

Please note the following dates and times for future meetings

[Date, time, location] [Date, time, location] [Date, time, location]

Last updated