Appendix A
Baltimore, MD’s Fiscal Priority Outcomes
Better Schools
Safer Streets
Stronger Neighborhoods
A Growing Economy
Innovative Government
A Cleaner City
A Healthier City
Bellevue, WA’s Community Outcomes
Responsive Government
Healthy and Sustainable Environment
Innovative, Vibrant and Caring Community
Quality Neighborhoods
Safe Community
Improved Mobility
Economic Growth and Competitiveness
Chattanooga, TN’s Citywide Priorities
Smarter Students, Stronger Families
Safer Streets
High Performing Government
Growing Economy
Stronger Neighborhoods
Lincoln, NE’s Outcome Areas
Safety & Security
Livable Neighborhoods
Economic Opportunity
Efficient Transportation
Accountable Government
Healthy & Productive People
Environmental Quality
Identity Lincoln (what makes Lincoln special)
Richmond, VA’s Focus Areas
Unique, Healthy, & Inclusive Neighborhoods & Communities
Economic Growth
Community Safety & Well Being
Education & Workforce Development
Sustainability & the Natural Environment
Well Managed Government
Last updated