
Performance Management Getting Started Guide

In an increasingly tech-savvy and connected world, government performance is closely watched. Performance management helps governments use technology and data to openly set goals, hold participants accountable, connect to stakeholders, track progress, and achieve results. By collecting and analyzing data and evidence, determining the desired outputs and outcomes, and linking data to overarching priorities, city leaders can use performance management to best administer policies and programs to the benefit of their community and residents.

Government performance management has gained popularity at the local level. Cities across the US are seeing real success with implementing performance management programs.

The Center for Government Excellence at Johns Hopkins University, a partner in the What Works Cities initiative, has created this getting started guide to assist cities in implementing performance management programs in their own communities. By learning from the experiences of other cities and following the steps described in this guide, cities will have a greater understanding of performance management and be well on their way to launching their own performance management program.

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