
Benchmark: A standard or point of reference against which data may be compared or assessed. May be used in data analytics or in absence of city data.

Goal/Outcome: A measurable achievement that will lead to results in the identified performance priority categories within a specified timeline. Goals are more specific than priorities, and there may be multiple goals for each priority. A city may have short term, long term, and intermediate goals. Goals will be a blend of operational (process based) and programmatic (how well the processes are followed).

Key Performance Indicator (KPI): A prevailing metric that the city identifies as the primary way to measure progress toward the goal. A goal may have one KPI, but multiple additional metrics.

Metadata: A set of data which describes or gives information on other data.

Metric/Indicator: A standard used to develop and measure goals, and track progress and ultimately success toward the goal. A city may identify a metric by inventorying data that it already collects, or using validating data. Output metrics measure a quantity, volume, or production value of data, while outcome metrics measure progress toward a desired result.

Performance Priority: Category of subject matter on which the city wishes to achieve results. Categories may include public safety, public health, education, sustainability and the environment, jobs and the economy, and government operations and management.

Result: The ultimate desired endgame, which is achieved by strategies and measured by metrics.

Strategic Framework: An overarching set of performance priorities for which the city wishes to achieve results.

Strategy: An action or set of actions that departments may take, individually or in concert with one another and/or the Mayor’s office and/or external stakeholders, to achieve the goal and ultimately the end result.

Target: A desired change in the metrics that will advance the goal.

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